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I’d like to condense the To-do View to simply show a singular list of work orders sorted by Due Date. Currently, the list of work orders is broken up into several categories: 

  • Assigned to Me
  • Assigned to my teams
  • Created by me
  • All open work orders

Each category is sorted by due date, but I’d like to remove all of those categories and simply have one long list of work orders sorted by due date.

Does that functionality exist? And if so, can anyone direct me on how to do so?

@EHS Facilities ,

While I don’t know of a way to sort the To-Do view the way you’re describing, it seems everything you’re looking for is accessible via the Table View. The table view ignores sorting by the conditions you mentioned and can easily sort by Due Date or other fields. I personally prefer this view as it’s far more customizable. The only drawback here is that you won’t be seeing it as an “email view” with the work orders simultaneously open on the side.

To get here on the desktop, go to your Work Orders, then click the top of the screen where it says “To-Do View”. A drop down menu should appear. Click on “Table View”. It will be a mess of information at first but a little fine-tuning will get you where you need to be. In the top right under the search bar, click the gear to open up the settings. This will allow you to sort through which fields you want visible, what order you want them in, among other options. Once you have your settings in place, find the column “Due Date” and click on that. Clicking any column will shuffle through sorting that field by ascending or descending.

My view is: “ID, Status, Priority, Assigned To, Location, Asset, Due Date, Completed On, Updated On”, in that order. You can customize yours however you want, but I’ve found this to be the most effective setup for our team. (I also have Chrome’s zoom set to 80% when on MaintainX’s webpage.) With these settings, I’m able to see all the information I need without scrolling left or right.

Hope this helps!


My Personal Work Order Table View
