
What’s New at MaintainX: June 2024

As summer kicks into gear, MaintainX has doubled down on AI-driven innovation and integrations to drive operational efficiency for customers.Last week, we released a bundle of new AI-powered functionality to optimize and streamline daily workflows and decision-making.Smart Time Estimates, one of several improvements to MaintainX’s Resource Planning module, helps you schedule work more efficiently using AI to estimate how long work orders will take to complete. We’ve also expanded Anomaly Detection to work with non-recurring work orders and manual meter readings, to minimize human error and detect early signs of equipment failure.And, if that wasn’t enough to help you get more from your data, we’re also proud to have launched our new Integrations Marketplace. With a selection of pre-built and custom integrations, expert-led services, and an open API, it’s easier than ever to connect MaintainX with your ERP, IoT devices, SCADAs, Historians, and other software.Let’s take a closer look at what’s landed in the past month—and how you can use these new features to increase your production capacity and reduce costs.‍Make your daily workflows and decisions smarter with AI There’s a reason why the AI market for industrial machinery is set to grow by $5.46bn over the next four years. Many companies have collected a mountain of data, enabling AI to become a force multiplier for positive business outcomes.But despite the huge opportunities presented by AI, most organizations aren’t using it yet to streamline their day-to-day operations.To help you put AI to work in a fast, focused way, MaintainX customers on the Enterprise plan can now use AI-powered Smart Time Estimates to plan and schedule tasks. Smart Time Estimates uses historical data and AI to create an informed estimate on how long a new work order should take to complete – improving planning flexibility, efficiency, and accuracy.Along with our Resource Planning module, which allows you to balance workload quickly across your team, Smart Time Estimates goes even further to maximize productivity, reduce overtime, and enable you to get more done on time.AI-powered time estimates will automatically populate the Estimated Time field in your work orders, and the accuracy will continue to improve as you collect more data. Our expanded Anomaly Detection technology, also available on the Enterprise plan, now works on non-recurring work orders and in the manual readings from the Meters module.When a technician enters a value that deviates from the expected range, based on previous inputs, they’ll be asked to check it. If they confirm that the value is an anomaly, they’ll be prompted to create a corrective action to ensure that any potential equipment faults are addressed.By extending this feature beyond recurring work orders, anomalies can be flagged on specific meters or equipment that’s not necessarily subject to regular inspections. This does even more to protect you against costly reactive work.Connect and standardize your data with the Integrations Marketplace Driving operational excellence requires collaboration across your facility, from maintenance and operations, to finance and management.Integrating the systems your teams rely on is crucial for seamless data flow and empowered decision-making. That's why we're excited to introduce the MaintainX Integrations Marketplace — a central hub to find available integrations and information on how to get started.By connecting MaintainX with your operational technology, ERP, business intelligence tools and more, you can simplify workflows, synchronize data, and unlock new insights. Maintenance technicians, finance teams, and managers can work from the same reliable data, and make informed decisions that drive efficiency and reduce costs. To make integrations straightforward and accessible, we offer three options to meet your needs:Expert integration services: MaintainX provides integration services through our agile in-house team that handles all the coding for you.   Skilled systems integrators (SIs): We can connect you with experienced SIs who will ensure the effective execution of your integration projects.   Do it yourself: For those who prefer a hands-on approach, you can leverage our comprehensive API Documentation or Zapier—a low-code platform that connects MaintainX with hundreds of other applications.For more information, visit our Integrations Marketplace.Schedule work more easily with Resource Planning improvements In addition to Smart Time Estimates, we also made several improvements to MaintainX’s Workload View to help teams balance workloads, maximize wrench time, and keep everyone on the same page. These updates include:Multiple Day WOs: Schedule Work Orders in the Workload View and drag them across multiple days. Reschedule Incomplete Work Orders: Keep track of missed work by reviewing and rescheduling incomplete past Work Orders Control Panel View: For team members with multiple jobs, quickly view and adjust their workload in one panel view. Weekly View On Mobile: Give your team a weekly view of their workload on the go Start Date Not Limited By Due Date: Allow for flexible rescheduling by allowing start dates to be after their due date.Resource Planning is available on the Enterprise Plan.Other improvements fueled by customer feedbackAs always, there were many other smaller improvements delivered to MaintainX customers over the past month.Work Order fields can now be marked required in your Organization settings, by navigating to Features > Work Orders > Set Preferences > Customize Work Order Form > Required Fields. Making fields mandatory helps to improve your data quality by ensuring inputs aren’t skipped.And to help serve our global customer base, we also translated some of our MaintainX Academy courses into Spanish. Introduction to MaintainX, Administrator Foundations and Technician Foundations can all now be accessed in Spanish to help managers and technicians get up to speed with MaintainX.We thank our customers for continuing to provide such great feedback. It helps us to grow, innovate, and improve MaintainX more every month—which helps organizations like yours to become smarter and more efficient.If you’re not yet a MaintainX customer, book a tour today.

Related products:Work OrdersTeamsReportingIntegrations

What’s New at MaintainX: April 2024

April brings more than just showers—it also brings a suite of powerful new features at MaintainX designed to reduce maintenance costs and provide the best technician experience on Earth. The launch of External Work Orders highlights the list, making it easier for you to share Work Orders, collaborate, and track work progress of your vendors and contractors within MaintainX. We also enabled the ability to create work requests from barcode scans, update your asset status from the table view, and customize your meter fields, all of which help you to work smarter as a team. So, let’s explore April’s releases and see how you can use them to drive efficiencies and capture more useful data. Boost productivity by streamlining vendor management Working with vendors and contractors is an essential part of maintenance management, especially with today’s labor and economic challenges. Managing those relationships and keeping track of outsourced work can be costly. This month, we enhanced our vendor management capabilities by releasing External Work Orders, which allows you to track contractor work within MaintainX to improve efficiency and decision- making. External Work Orders lets you easily share details, centralize communication, and track work progress— — all within MaintainX. This makes it easier for you to manage these jobs and capture the data you need in one app, without having to chase vendors for updates and documentation. Streamlining collaboration, vendors can now access and update Work Orders without a MaintainX login. This means they can get started quickly, know exactly what steps to follow, and easily share updates, photos, and other files, keeping everyone on the same page. MaintainX takes vendor management to the next level by providing robust data insights that empower you to make informed, strategic decisions quickly and confidently. Easily access the data and features you need in one place, including detailed reporting that shows your vendor cost and efficiency.  This helps you manage cost,  and understand performance, and answer critical questions— — like which vendor is the most cost-effective, or the best fit for the job.  External Work Orders is available for all Premium and Enterprise customers. For more details, check out our documentation or start sharing Work Orders from the Work Orders tab today. Create Work Requests faster using QR and barcode scans To enhance precision and save time, Work Requests can now be created directly from QR and barcode scans. When a machine operator scans an asset's QR code, they're directly taken to a pre-filled Work Request form, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual input.  Location codes can also be scanned to create Work Requests quickly, reducing friction when requesters report an issue at a specific production line, room, or building. The easier it is to submit a Work Request with accurate information, the faster your team can address equipment problems, keeping costs to a minimum and maximizing productivity..  Other improvements to help you work smarter New features are only part of what we did in April, as you may have noticed several quality-of-life changes. We also added new interface improvements and customization options to help you move faster and do more with MaintainX. This includes: More precise meter reading history:. You can now update your Meter reading graphs to show only the last day, or even just the last hour, to help you track trends more precisely.   Updating Asset Status from your Table view:. Marking equipment online and offline just got even easier. Making status changes from the Table view saves clicks, and allows you to update the status of multiple assets faster.   Adding custom fields to Meters:. ID numbers, dates, external links, and more can all now be added to your Meters using custom fields. Contact your account manager to have these fields updated the way you need them.  Driven by your valuable feedback, these updates are part of our ongoing commitment to not just meet, but exceed your operational needs. Each update is designed to improve your efficiency and success, ensuring MaintainX can deliver continuous improvement to your team. If you’re not yet a MaintainX customer, book a demo today. 

Related products:Work OrdersMeters/Condition Based MonitoringAsset StatusMessagingVendors

What’s New at MaintainX: March 2024

In the spirit of March Madness, MaintainX delivered a buzzer-beater with two game-changing asset management solutions at the month's end, thrilling customers with a last-minute win. Global Parts Management rolled out last Tuesday, allowing you to drive economies of scale and reduce downtime by sharing inventory between your facilities. And, just two days later, updates to Asset Health Insights unlocked new reliability trends and goal-setting functionality to help you improve your PM and budget planning. Also, in our March lineup, we extended our support coverage—making it available 24/7 and implementing a number of smaller improvements to help your team work more efficiently. So let’s jump in and look back at all the winning plays from MaintainX over the past month. Reduce inventory spend with Global Parts Management When you need urgent repairs, gathering critical parts becomes a race against time. If they aren’t on the shelf, equipment stays down for longer and expensive emergency shipping seems the only answer. Global Parts Management helps you get the parts you need faster and without overspending, by providing visibility into the inventories at your other facilities. You can quickly request parts from other sites, and save the time and costs associated with ordering them from vendors. This helps maintenance managers spend less on rush delivery fees from vendors and react faster to breakdowns by tapping into resources from across the organization. In addition, company directors get a complete, holistic view of their global inventory, allowing them to make smarter purchasing decisions and buy only what they really need. Global Parts Management is available on the Enterprise plan. Increase asset uptime with new reliability insights Every minute of unplanned downtime can rack up thousands of dollars in costs. However, many maintenance and reliability managers still lack actionable insights on why and when their equipment fails. That’s why we doubled down on Asset Health Insights in March, adding new reliability trends and a goal-setting feature that helps Enterprise customers drive continuous improvement. You can now track your asset availability, total downtime, Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) over time, and measure them against your own targets. These features add to the root cause analysis, cost reporting, and real-time monitoring we introduced last November, providing you the data you need to improve your PM plan Together, these updates significantly strengthen MaintainX’s asset management toolkit,  empowering you to make smarter decisions on how to spend your capital funds. Accelerate your growth with faster access to support and best practices We also doubled down on our commitment to customer service in March, by extending our support coverage and providing new learning resources. Our award-winning support team is now available 24/7. So whether it's day or night, you'll get a fast response from MaintainX. We also launched a series of resources and channels for improving your knowledge of MaintainX and training your team, including: MaintainX Academy Certifications for Admins and Technicians. Make sure everyone’s onboarded and using MaintainX like a pro.   A revamped Help Center with tutorial articles for web and mobile, easier navigation, search, and updated screenshots for step-by-step walkthroughs of the platform.   A Customer Ticket Portal where you can submit a technical support ticket and easily track the status of issues reported by your team.   The MaintainX Community, a collaborative platform where you can interact with other users, ask questions, and get tips and best practices from industry experts. New filters and triggers to help you work smarter and faster While the three updates above stole the show in March, there were many other smaller improvements to MaintainX that we developed from our customers’ feedback. You can now trigger work orders when meter readings increase or decrease by a given amount since the previous reading. This gives you more flexibility in your condition-based maintenance program and helps you react faster to abnormal changes. We also made some improvements to our filters on the web app, making it easier for you to access the records you need. The same customizable filter layout that we added to Work Orders last year is now available for Purchase Orders and Requests. It’s now also possible to filter Assets by Procedure. As always, we greatly appreciate all the feedback from our customers. It helps us to innovate quickly and continue delivering more value every month. If you’re not yet a customer of MaintainX, book a demo today. Read the blog post here: https://www.getmaintainx.com/blog/whats-new-at-maintainx-march-2024/

Related products:ReportingParts InventoryFiltersAsset Health

What’s New at MaintainX: February 2024

February was another big month for MaintainX, as we made it easier for maintenance teams across the globe to collaborate and report on frontline work.Our highlight was the announcement that MaintainX is now available in 16 languages. We also introduced new customization to request portals to help you respond faster to equipment issues. And introduced a new data export option for labor utilization that you can use to improve your scheduling efficiency.All of these updates, along with several cosmetic improvements, were driven by customer feedback.Let’s take a deeper look at what was new and improved in MaintainX over the past month.  Boost productivity across regions with new language support Multilingual organizations know the challenges language barriers can pose to production efficiency. Working in multiple different languages can slow work down, increase the risk of mistakes, and require additional resources and costs to get things done.To enable the global workforce to accomplish more with MaintainX, the application is now available in 16 languages. Adding Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, and many more enables multilingual teams to use MaintainX in their preferred language, reducing friction and keeping everyone on the same page.Critically, it also helps international organizations standardize their operations across sites to drive large-scale efficiencies.Selecting your preferred language in MaintainX couldn’t be easier. You can change your language in your mobile or web settings, and MaintainX will automatically update all the text in the MaintainX user interface to your selected language on both your web and mobile app.  Increase workforce efficiency with labor utilization insights As budgets tighten and the labor shortage continues to bite, it’s more important than eveto put your team’s working hours to good use.However, tracking and reporting on labor utilization continues to be a challenge for maintenance managers using outdated systems.To improve your planning and resourcing decisions, we’ve added a Labor Utilization data export option to our Reporting module. This option allows you to calculate labor utilization against scheduled hours for individuals and your whole team, and to unearth labor inefficiencies that could be costing you more than necessary.This new report is available on all plans. It’s most powerful in combination with Resource Planning on the Enterprise plan, which unlocks the ability to customize the available working hours for each of your team members. On all other plans, the available weekly hours figure for each team member is fixed at 40.  Respond faster to work requests with new portal customizationYour ability to react quickly to the unexpected depends on the accuracy and level of detail in each work request.To streamline request management and reduce unnecessary back-and-forth, you can now add custom and required fields to your request forms. This allows you to capture the datayou need at the first time of asking so you can start tackling equipment downtime sooner.Request Portal fields can be marked ‘required’ on the Premium plan, while the use of custom fields in your portals is restricted to Enterprise.To customize your Request Portal, navigate to the settings for the portal and click Customize Portal Fields. Ensure first that your custom work order fields are marked for use within Request Portals.  Access insights faster with enhanced Reporting filtersTo help you access data-driven insights faster, we also improved the date selector in your Reporting module.This new streamlined workflow allows you to toggle between static date ranges and those relative to the current date, using the Between and Last buttons.You can also save your most commonly used date range selections to a Quick Access panel, allowing you to retrieve them faster.This update is the latest enhancement to our Reporting module, designed to strike the balance between customizability and ease of use for maintenance and operations leaders.Innovating to make your day-to-day operations easierAs always, our February releases contained many additional improvements to usability and look and feel.Some other helpful updates include: A contact count on your vendors list to help you manage suppliers and contractors more easily Improved search for your custom field filters and custom Asset Statuses The ability to listen to voice clips before you send them as a message If you’re not yet a MaintainX customer, book a tour now to see how we can make your operations more efficient. 

Related products:ReportingFilters

Support your global workforce with MaintainX: Now in more languages

In our continuous effort to improve user experience and support frontline teams worldwide, we're excited to announce new languages available in MaintainX.  With the help of native language specialists and Artificial Intelligence, MaintainX is now supported in 16 languages—with more coming soon! These languages make it easier for diverse and global maintenance teams to collaborate, maximize production, and standardize tools and best practices—all in one easy-to-use platform.   Boost productivity  MaintainX is now available in 16 languages, giving diverse teams the ability to harness the power of the MaintainX platform more efficiently.  Without language barriers, more team members can integrate MaintainX into their daily workflows, resulting in increased productivity and smoother operations. Whether you're managing facilities, conducting equipment inspections, or scheduling maintenance tasks, our multi-language support ensures everyone is on the same page.  Enhance collaboration  Effective collaboration is at the heart of successful maintenance operations. With MaintainX's new and existing language options, collaboration becomes even more intuitive.  Teams spanning different regions and cultures can now communicate more easily within the platform, eliminating misunderstandings and streamlining workflows. With this additional language support, MaintainX helps you foster a stronger sense of cooperation among team members, leading to more efficient problem-solving and faster completion of maintenance tasks. Standardize tools and processes Consistency is key to maintaining operational excellence. Now, more of your team members can work off the same MaintainX platform without needing additional language resources, making it easier than ever to streamline tools and standardize processes - ensuring uniformity and minimizing the risk of errors.  Improve user experience A user-friendly experience helps ensure consistent and accurate data entry and task completion. From onboarding new team members to conducting daily maintenance tasks, MaintainX's intuitive interface ensures a better user experience for more team members, regardless of their preferred language.  How it works Selecting your preferred language in MaintainX couldn’t be easier. You can change your language in your mobile or web settings, and MaintainX will automatically update all the text in the MaintainX user interface to your selected language on both your web and mobile app.  Change your language via web app:Change your language via mobile app: It’s important to note that changing your language does not localize your MaintainX account, meaning that features like your date and time, currency, and comments written by teammates remain unchanged.  Learn more about supported languages in MaintainX in our documentation. Get started with MaintainX in your preferred language ​​We're excited about the possibilities this update brings and look forward to continuing to support our global community in achieving maintenance excellence—no matter where they are in the world or what language they speak. Learn more about MaintainX languages here, or see MaintainX in action and book a demo today.  

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What’s New at MaintainX: January 2024

It’s hard to believe we’re already a month into the new year, but maintenance never stops, and neither do we.To help your team hit the ground running in January, we rolled out improvements to our downtime tracking, cost tracking, and filters. We also launched a new Purchase Order integration with SAP this week to improve the data flow between MaintainX and SAP.Together, these updates have made it easier for you to collect, analyze, and share valuable data across your teams.Let’s take a closer look at how our latest updates can help you operate more efficiently. Asset Status Requests Gif   Log downtime faster with new Asset Status enhancements Tracking, recording, and monitoring the availability of your assets in real-time all help you spot reliability issues and production risks before they become serious incidents.To make it easier for your team to quickly and accurately record downtime in MaintainX, users can now mark equipment online and offline via work requests and corrective actions.This means your machine operators can flag downtime when they submit maintenance requests, without stepping out of their usual workflow. Similarly, technicians can mark equipment offline with a single click when corrective actions are required following an inspection.The easier we make it to capture this data, the more reliable your downtime records become, and the better you can budget and prioritize work. MaintainX + SAP Integration for SAP ECC or S/4HANA Streamline purchasing with our new SAP integrationIf SAP is your master system of record, you’ll know how important it is to keep it up-to-date, especially when it comes to purchasing.Our new Purchase Order integration streamlines the process from end to end by allowing you to sync your POs between MaintainX and SAP.You can create a PO in MaintainX and have it automatically appear in SAP to be approved and sent. Once sent, you can then track the PO through to fulfillment within MaintainX, keeping your frontline teams up to speed on new parts orders.This complements our Parts Inventory integration launched last year to increase visibility over the purchasing process and avoid duplicate data entry. The new integration will allow you to reap the benefits of MaintainX’s intuitive mobile workflows without critical data being siloed from your ERP. Cost tracking screenshot  Set up cost categories for smarter budget management The data captured in MaintainX provides incredible insight into where your resources are going so you can calibrate, prioritize, and drive down costs.We just made time and cost tracking even more useful by allowing you to customize the categories associated with work done in MaintainX.Time and cost categories are available in your data exports, and show you how much time and money you’re spending when completing work orders. Now, you can customize these categories even more to fit your business, easily pinpoint what areas are costing you the most time and money, and use this data to make more informed budget decisions. This data will make our Reporting module stronger and your operations more efficient as we continue to add new insights this year. New MaintainX Help Center screenshot Supporting you with a new and improved Help Center As well as strengthening the MaintainX platform, we’ve taken huge steps in the past month to provide better support to our customers.In December, we launched the MaintainX Academy, which provides a comprehensive guided training path for MaintainX users. We followed that up with the launch of the MaintainX Community, which offers our customers a forum in which to share best practices with each other and reach out for peer advice.Last week, we launched a revamped Help Center with improved tutorial content and FAQs. Here, you can find quick step-by-step instructions that help you get the best out of the various core modules of MaintainX, as well as new feature updates.This is currently in Beta, and you can submit your feedback from the top of the page as you browse the new Help Center.As always, we greatly appreciate your feedback as we continue to build the most intuitive and effective workflow management system on the market.If you haven’t yet seen MaintainX in action, book a demo today.View the original blog post hereHave any questions or feedback related to this update? Leave a comment on this post below!

Related products:Asset StatusReportingParts InventorySettingsIntegrationsPurchase Orders

Introducing New Asset Health Insights to Help You Reduce Downtime

As budgets tighten and supply chains remain unpredictable, asset reliability has become more critical than ever for manufacturers and facilities.The better you understand the reliability of your assets, the more effectively you can stock parts and schedule PMs–and this is the key to keeping production lines running. But to improve anything, you must first be able to measure it. And many maintenance managers simply lack the information about when and why their machines fail. Either their team isn’t tracking downtime properly, the data isn’t easy to access, or it’s unclear what action needs to be taken. More often than not, all three of these problems exist simultaneously.To help solve today’s biggest asset management challenges, we’ve released new functionality that makes it easier than ever to measure and improve asset performance–without sinking hours into spreadsheets.Asset Health Insights delivers pre-built reporting dashboards that provide instant visibility into your most problematic assets and why they fail.This helps you to: Increase asset availability by addressing the biggest causes of unplanned downtime Improve your PM plan by better understanding what work to prioritize on each machine Make better budget decisions by seeing how much your “bad actors” are costing you “This new reporting provides a comprehensive breakdown of issue-specific downtime,” said Brandon Bath, senior facilities manager at Take 5. “We can now see what our major issues are, and can start creating action plans to do better when it comes to downtime.”As part of today’s release, we’ve also made it easier than ever for technicians to record asset downtime as part of their usual workflow. This allows you to improve the quality and consistency of the data captured on the shop floor, leading to more useful insights. Improve your PM plan by identifying problem assetsMaintainX Asset Health InsightsAsset Health Insights enables you to quickly identify the machines that cause the most unplanned downtime and cost the most to maintain. This information helps you to make data-driven decisions on where to prioritize work and plan capital expenditures.The Most Problematic Assets report helps you to identify your “bad actors” based on parts and labor costs, failures, downtime hours, and more. You can sort your assets by the problem indicators that matter most to you, to help you spot machines that need a different PM strategy or need to be replaced altogether.With Unplanned vs. Planned Downtime, you can see what proportion of the downtime on your assets is planned, and how much is unplanned. This allows you to measure the success of your PM plan on each asset, and identify opportunities to become more proactive with certain machines. Boost reliability with root cause analysisMaintainX Asset Health InsightsWhen you can’t quickly see why your machines are failing, you’ll continue to just fix the symptoms instead of addressing the root cause. Asset Health Insights makes root cause analysis easier than ever by allowing you to see which specific issues cause the most unplanned downtime and require more proactive attention.The Unplanned Downtime Reasons report ranks the biggest causes of unplanned downtime across your organization or within a select group of assets. This helps you focus your PMs and parts orders on the highest-impact problems. You can also drill down into each failure cause to see which machines are the most affected.A Cumulative Total line helps you prioritize work by telling you what proportion of your total failures can be attributed to a select group of causes. Unearth problems faster with real-time monitoringMaintainX Asset Health InsightsYou also can use Asset Health Insights to get a real-time snapshot of how your assets are performing.The Current Status report shows how many of your assets are currently online and offline, and calculates your asset availability for the past 30 days. This helps you to unearth issues that might need to be addressed right away, and provides an instant answer to the question, “How are we doing today?” Simplify asset management, from the shop floor to the top floorThe tracking and monitoring tools within MaintainX provide maintenance managers with clear steps they can take to increase uptime and address root causes of failure.Easy-to-use mobile workflows and IoT integrations make it possible to record instances of downtime accurately, at the moment it occurs, along with valuable root cause context.With Asset Health Insights, this data becomes quickly accessible and actionable, both for maintenance managers, purchasers, and company leadership.To learn more about Asset Health Insights, book a demo today. See the original blog post here: https://www.getmaintainx.com/blog/introducing-new-asset-health-insights/

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MaintainX’s Year in Review: Our Highlights of 2023

It's been a year of monumental growth and innovation at MaintainX, as we took another leap forward in boosting our customers’ operational efficiency.Throughout 2023, we released unique and powerful functionality, from multi-site asset reporting to data-driven workload scheduling. We also announced a partnership with SAP and shared industry best practices alongside our customers at events across the United States.In addition to our team more than doubling in size, we exceeded 6,500 customers and now manage more than 2.5 million assets within MaintainX. Thanks to our customers’ incredible feedback, we received more than 500 award badges across G2 and Gartner, including Best Overall CMMS and Leader in Enterprise Asset Management (EAM).And best of all, we raised $50M in Series C funding earlier this month, which will unlock even greater innovation and support for our customers for years to come.So, buckle up! Here are the highlights that brought joy to maintenance teams and helped add hours of production capacity for our customers in 2023. Accelerating growth with new funding and partnershipsOur accomplishments this year would not have been possible without the incredible support of our partners and investors. Earlier this month, we proudly announced a new funding round, led by Bain Capital Ventures (BCV), with participation from existing investors Bessemer Venture Partners, Amity Ventures, August Capital, and Ridge Ventures.Reaching a $1 billion company valuation is a true testament to how far we’ve come since MaintainX was founded in 2018. The confidence of our investors has allowed us to grow from a simple work order application to a comprehensive enterprise asset management (EAM) solution in the space of just five years. And for our customers, this $50M will help fund further innovation in our product and support channels.Another milestone we achieved this year was to become an SAP Silver Partner, and one of only 10 companies worldwide to be selected for SAP.iO’s startup accelerator program. During the five-month New York Foundry program, we worked hand-in-hand with SAP to build an enterprise-ready integration between MaintainX and its market-leading ERP system.One of the beneficiaries of this integration has been Duracell, which estimates annual savings of $50,000 per site by streamlining parts inventory management. Using MaintainX, the consumer battery giant has been able to serve up-to-date inventory counts from SAP to frontline workers much faster than before. In 2023, this integration helped maximize wrench time for Duracell’s technicians, reduce stock variability, and provide the C Suite with accurate, real-time frontline data. Driving efficiencies with new workflows and asset management featuresOur funding announcement coincided with the launch of two major customer-driven updates to our Enterprise plan. Resource Planning includes data-driven workload scheduling to help frontline teams better allocate resources, minimize overtime, and get more work done. And Asset Health Insights enables maintenance and reliability leaders to compare downtime across assets and locations, perform root cause analysis, and make smarter budget decisions.These two features are just the latest in a bonanza of new technology we put into the hands of maintenance teams in 2023.In October, we released AI-Powered Maintenance Operations, a package of AI-driven functionality helping frontline teams reduce admin work, communicate better, and improve data quality. Using generative AI to digitize SOPs and safety checklists, machine learning to flag anomalies in work order data, and AI-powered voice transcriptions to share information faster in the field, MaintainX customers can now leverage cutting-edge technology to operate more efficiently.While these updates all unlocked brand new workflows for our customers, we also worked hard to upgrade our core platform and doubled down on the experiences that help teams collaborate, close out work, and meet compliance requirements.The release of Work Order Templates in August made it even easier to standardize data capture and record maintenance work properly. And our communication upgrades, like Request Routing, @Mentions, and the new Notification Center, help to ensure that no critical work ever slips through the cracks.As if that wasn’t enough, 2023 was a huge year for downtime tracking. In addition to the Asset Health reporting dashboards, we made it significantly easier to mark equipment online and offline in MaintainX. By allowing users to update the real-time status of their assets as maintenance requests are submitted and work orders are completed, we’re helping maintenance managers keep more precise downtime records they can use to improve PM plans and reduce costs. Inspiring digital transformation with customer insights and best practicesWe also shared the success stories of our customers in 2023 more than ever before, exhibiting at manufacturing and industrial conferences across the United States and adding to our library of customer case studies.Partnering with some of our most innovative customers, including Cintas, Univar, Take 5, and Wauseon Machine, we had the opportunity to share MaintainX customers’ stories of digital transformation with the world’s operations and supply chain leaders.On December 6–the same day we announced our new funding–MaintainX co-founder Nick Haase joined Steve Schock from Cintas on stage at the International Maintenance Conference, in Florida. They shared how MaintainX had improved business outcomes for Cintas by making life easier for its frontline teams.At the American Manufacturing Excellence Summit in October, Wauseon Machinery joined us on stage, to showcase how MaintainX improved their Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).And in September, our “Get Your Ducks in a Row” campaign, featuring a human-sized rubber duck, captured the hearts and minds of attendees at FABTECH, in Chicago. The campaign was inspired by our customers, who often use this expression to describe how MaintainX helps them to stay organized and prepared. One of those customers is Univar–and its maintenance manager Chris Wilcox joined our director of lifecycle and manufacturing solutions, Chris Hutson, at FABTECH to present how MaintainX had empowered Univar’s frontline teams with mobile workflows and real-time equipment data. We’re growing to help our customers grow, tooMaintainX also grew significantly in headcount throughout 2023, with our team more than doubling in size since the end of last year.We shipped more new features than ever in 2023, delivering entirely new functionality on a bi-monthly basis and updating our mobile app about four times per month.Our support and success teams also grew, allowing us to serve customers with more frequent training webinars and the launch of the new MaintainX Academy, which provides detailed training within the MaintainX app. In the past year, we delivered educational webinars on our core product modules, as well as providing open office hours sessions for our customers to ask questions to experts.Thanks to our Series C funding, our partners, and the incredible relationships we’ve built with our customers, 2024 is already shaping up to be an even bigger and better year at MaintainX.If you’re not yet a customer and would like to learn about what MaintainX can do for your team, book a demo with us today. Read the full blog post here: https://www.getmaintainx.com/blog/maintainxs-year-in-review-our-highlights-of-2023/

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