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Hi there. I have to say that when the feature of cycle counts was talked about at the end of last year, I was really excited.  We do cycle counts on a weekly basis for roughly 24-36 crucial parts in our inventory. When it was recently released as an operating feature within the software I jumped right on it. Unfortunately, it is in my opinion not realistically going to work for us without it being able to choose what parts specifically we will count. It has either a choice of location or type of part. Has anyone on here used it for actual part numbers and not part type? I would like to assign Tech “A” to count six parts which may be six different part types. The same with Tech “B”, and Tech “C”, etc. If we have a part type of O-ring, and thats assigned to a Tech “A”, that Tech would then be responsible of counting over 200 o-rings, when in reality, he only needs to count the 6 specific o-rings that are crucial to our operation. I could assign Tech “B” to count a part type of belts but again, they would then have to count many more belts than necessary. I just want to make sure I am not missing something.

Hi Falvarez, 

Exactly same opinion/need as yours which I reported too.

Ideally it needs customizable inventory audit lists (per part) so technician can check inventory for specific machine, box/area, van, job etc. Auditing by types is waste of resource ( in my environment), auditing by location will not work as we don’t have enough sub>sub locations either. I store spares by machine in multiple locations so part type audit would take forever. 


Adding inventory kit lists (assemblies) or sub parts would help too if after added to audit function too. 


Fingers crossed this is only early days version of feature and more to come soon.  
