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Hi there, I have been using MaintainX for the past few months, and I really like it for the most part, however, there are some functionality issues I have found, such as:


We have over (100) requesters in our system, but they currently do not receive a notification of a new comment or tagged item within their requested work order.


A requester has to manually check their requested work order for the additional comms; however, they end up emailing or calling us to find out why they aren’t receiving notifications or asking what is happening with their requested work order, which is adding significant delays to the resolution of a work order and unnecessary admin.


It allows you to tag their name in the comments but doesn’t notify them. Having 2-way comms within each work order would streamline the process considerably. 

Currently a requester will only receive notifications when their request is approved, declined or completed.


Proposed improvement: Allow requesters to receive all notifications in app or email for all comments and/or tagged comments in their requested work order.


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