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My employer has set us up for an ISO audit for certification. I am trying to set up reports that would show my completion records for individual machines. Does anyone have a process that would individualize assets by work order and know how to build a report showing common failure and if the work order was on time early or overdue?

I really appreciate any ideas.

I can think of a couple ways to approach this. 

Within the app, you could create custom filters in reporting to show overdues, filtered by however you’re tracking failure trends (categories, procedures, assets, parts, whatever).

Alternatively, if you’re into the nitty-gritty side of things, you could export the data and work with the CSV. If you have sufficient permissions, you should be able to access export lists via Settings > General. The export can be customized to fit most parameters that you can filter by in the Work Order view, meaning it should be able to capture 100% of your work orders or assets. Once you have the CSV, you could filter and sort the list so that it fits your needs. Since there is no “overdue” field, you would need to either create a new column or use conditional formatting to compare the completed date (or today’s date) with the due date.

