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Setting Asset hours

  • 2 September 2024
  • 4 replies

I hope someone can help me on this topic. I want to be able to set the asset working days and hours to reflect correctly when viewing the online and offline data. 


Thank you. Brent 

Hi Brent,


Have you checked to make sure your organization settings are setup to the correct timezone?


If I’m misunderstanding the issue, please let me know more or send your question into our support team for further assistance. 



Hi Nick, 

Thank you for your reply. Some assets only run 16hrs a day for 5 days a week being a total of 80hrs available. I’m trying to reflect this 80hrs of available asset time rather than 24hrs per day for 7 days in the week. Is this only an enterprise feature as we are on the premium subscription. 


Thank you. Brent 

Hi Nick, 

Thank you for your reply. Some assets only run 16hrs a day for 5 days a week being a total of 80hrs available. I’m trying to reflect this 80hrs of available asset time rather than 24hrs per day for 7 days in the week. Is this only an enterprise feature as we are on the premium subscription. 


Thank you. Brent 

That makes sense, you are looking for a way to track asset availability. 

You can track that manually with our Premium plan by updating the Asset Status to Offline - Do Not Track (or any custom label you’d like) to reflect that availability accurately. 

You can see that on your asset page here (select + Add Manual Downtime): 

There are alternative (less manual) ways to track this through our IoT Integrations and with our Asset Health Insights available on our Enterprise Plan. 

I am trying to do the same thing. but going in everyday and manually taking machine offline then back online doesnt work for my company.  Need a way to set a schedule and let it manage itself. that is the point of a CMMS, 
