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Updating "last calibration date" in asset list

  • 6 August 2024
  • 5 replies

We are using MaintainX to track certain equipment calibrations. We have the work order categorized as “calibration” Is there a way to have the “last calibration date” updated when a calibration work order is completed? This seems like a pretty basic function. Otherwise it requires manually updating every asset in addition to performing the work order.

MaintainX offered to create a customization for this but the cost was too high.

Hey @Greg Zeronian,

I’m guessing you’re using a custom asset field called “last calibration date”, because we don’t have that as one of our fields. Custom fields are good placeholders for data that isn’t naturally available by MaintainX, but the interactions between them and anything else are pretty limited. Getting the field to update automatically might prove difficult.

What exactly do you use the “last calibration date” field for? There may be another solution here that achieves a similar result.

If you are using recurring work orders, you track by the date you close the work order. If you go to the asset, scroll down to the work orders at the bottom, it shows the list of work orders. If you open them it will give you the requestor, the creator and who closed the work order. Each of these have a date and time with them.

The other option would be to add a custom meter that is looking for a date to close it out. Attaching this to your work order will give you the necessary information you need.

Yes, the last calibration date is a custom field. I figured it would update each time I completed a “calibration” but it does not.

What I am trying to do is have the asset reflect the last date it was serviced without having to dig through the work orders.

Is using a meter a better way?


@Greg Zeronian As awesome as that would be, custom fields are just standalone fields to input data and don’t come with any automations. I don’t think existing features support exactly what you’re asking (automatic data visible from asset list view).

Using meters has the benefit of logging exactly what readings you’re calibrating, but it does require more setup than uploading the certs and double the work to fill out the readings if you have third-party vendors doing the calibrations. 


What we did was set up a repeating work order for anything that gets calibrated with those work orders containing a two field procedure- an inspection check and a file upload field, and the category “Calibration”. We upload the certs as we receive them and mark pass or fail. If it fails, the procedure generates a follow-up.

If I want to see an overview of the calibration dates, I go to the work order list view, filter ‘recurrence= repeatable’ and ‘category= calibration’, ‘status= open, onhold, inprogress', then sort by due date or asset. Our repeatables all have their recurrence interval in their title (eg. “1Y: Calibrate glovebox moisture sensor”), and schedules only exist for items that have been calibrated at least once, so I can guess the last service was done one interval prior to the work order shown. While this isn’t perfect and isn’t in the asset list, I think this method will accomplish roughly what you’re looking for.

Alternatively, if you use any external reporting tools such as Looker, I don’t think it would be too hard to build exactly what you’re looking for into a single view. (This would filter almost exactly as above but show past work orders sorted by completed_timestamp-date instead of future jobs).

Thanks for the feedback. What you describe is what we are doing.

Greg Z.
