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Hi All!

I’m looking for some input on integrating MX to Power BI that would update in real time. I’m looking to send over new work orders and have those update when the job status is updated.

I’m currently running a Zap through Zapier from MX to Outlook Calendar which is shared to other employees, mainly requestors that don't have full user access. I required job title, start and end date, status, category and location. The problem I’m having is if one of those fields are left empty for one reason or another, the zap won’t complete, and it cost me a task. I'm looking to at least test out Power Bi in hopes of a better experience.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Also go easy on me lol, I’m an HVAC tech who got in over his head trying to implement this system over the past few months. 

I believe you can set up your zap actions/conditions to assign a default value if none is found. This should keep the zap from aborting when it doesn’t find a value.
