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Welcome to the MaintainX Community! This is our official introduction thread!

New to the community? Read the guidelines here.

Regardless of when you join this community, drop a brief introduction below.

Share (what you’re comfortable with) your job title, industry, how long you’ve been using MaintainX and a fun fact!


Brief Introduction from me:
I'm Nick Haase, a proud co-founder of MaintainX, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to our new community. Over the last five years, I've had the honor of collaborating with world-class professionals, both within our MaintainX team and among our esteemed clients.

My passion lies in helping organizations to modernize their reliability strategies, a crucial step in adapting to our ever-evolving world. The work done in our industry is foundational, keeping the lights on and the world moving. I firmly believe in the power of collective effort — sharing best practices is essential for the long-term success and stability of the critical systems we rely on.

On a personal note, I'm currently based in Florida with my wife and our dog. In my downtime, I enjoy flying drones and (hopelessly) rooting for the Dallas Cowboys to win the Superbowl.

Looking forward to connecting with each of you and building an exciting and collaborative community here at MaintainX.

Hello All, 

I’m James Howard, Safety and Maintenance for Industrial Strength Corporation. We are a factory, sales and jewelers dealing in high end body jewelry located in Carlsbad California with global distribution.

Currently we have a single Maintain Lic. as I configure the system for use.  I’ve got a background in software and I sold my boss on using the product after I get it up and running.

We are very procedure driven, and are building most things Procedure first, and working backwards.

At current, MaintainX is almost entirely being used for all of our preventative maintenance and manual meter readings.  Factory environments are full of manual meters.

My phone is in my pocket at all times with MaintainX ready to enter a new asset or make a note regarding one of our assets, or to simply work through my daily work chore list and log completed. We will be using time recording for all activities when we go full live, and are intending to track specific  high use stations that have unusual frequencies in replacement consumables, etc.

This has led us to discover workflow aspects and issues we did not know we had, and re-configure the software to accommodate easier routes of doing things through MaintainX.

We will likely expand to 5-7 full users when we get our internal workflows figured out to take advantage of MaintainX Requests and Work Order routing.


My experience thus far has been very pleasant with MaintainX staff in finding easier solutions in configuration.

My name is Tim Garland and I’m the Director of Facilities at the New England Air Museum in Windsor Locks, CT. 

I’ve just checked the Museum website, and you’ve really got a great place there and some superb exhibits… From B-29 to K225, what a selection!

Hello everyone, I run a Mobile Locksmith Service for over 30 years, I use MaintainX to schedule service calls and maintain my equipment.


My name is Lucas de Lima and I’m a multitask mechanic with 30 years of experience in heavy duty machines and industrial maintenance, taking care of the fleet on a medium size construction company here in New Jersey, I’m very happy to be working with the MaintainX app, it’s a very helpful tool, I used to suffer to organize all of my service orders and asset inventory but now I’m doing all in one easily.

Hello, my name is Adrian Yniguez. I am a maintenance manager for an artificial stone company called Coronado stone products based in southern California. I've been working for this company for 20+ years. I have been using maintainX for about 5 months now and i must day it is very useful and easy to access on a handheld device. it is a game changer.     

Hello, My name is Daniel,

I am the Maintenance Manager of a Structural Steel Fabrication Shop. Our assets span from complex machines that prep our material for welding, to welding machines, cranes, forklifts, you name it. I have been using MaintainX for a little under a year and it’s been great. The next big step for our implementation is utilizing Meter triggered work orders, and parts inventory management. I hope to gather insight from others from this community that may help me in this process to get to the best practices for maintainX and Maintenance as a whole. I look forward to reading everyone's posts and contributing when I can. 

Hello, my name is Adrian Yniguez. I am a maintenance manager for an artificial stone company called Coronado stone products based in southern California. I've been working for this company for 20+ years. I have been using maintainX for about 5 months now and i must say it is very useful and easy to access on a handheld device. it is a game changer.     


Hello all! I am Cadillac, VP of Operations for a growing residential and, recently, commercial sanitation (trash and recycling) company! Excited to be here to learn the platform and, utilize it to minimize costs, boost efficiency and productivity as well as track all the beforementioned items. I have been at this for going on two decades and love it! From the back of the truck and driving to the “corner office” so to speak. I probably hold the title: “President Tech Nerd” of the company. I’d say my posting an intro, on a forum, on Saturday for the new maintenance program we are implementing is pretty good evidence. Nice to e-meet you all and look forward to it!

Hello everyone,

I am Jim. I have 30 plus years of Facilities & EHS Mgt experience. Most all of my background is in automotive parts manufacturing. however, recently I have been in the YACHT manufacturing industry here in eastern NC.  We needed an easy to use, budget friendly CMMS system to track and report maintenance activity. MAINTAINX was our choice after reviewing several platforms. 

We have been using MAINTAINX for about 4 months. It has really helped with providing an official platform to create Work orders and then tracking their progress.

Looking forward to learning the many other functions of the software and thats were communities like these can be very beneficial.

Hello.  My name is Lisa.  I work for the City of Wooster in Wooster, AR.  We are one of the, if not the fastest growing small town in the state right now.  The Mayor is everyone’s boss.  Our city limits is divided into 3 wards.  We have two (2) city council members for each ward.  Basically & in short, it works like this… City Council makes the rules, the Mayor enforces them, but the Mayor has All of the hiring & firing power.  There has been two (2) people who have worked in the office for many years now, a Financial Director and a Clerk, neither one are ballot positions, only the Mayor & City Council members.  We do have a Planning Commissioner, who is also a Council Member.  We have five from all wards on the Planning Commission.  I have worked here since 2017.  We got so busy that there was no way one person could keep up with all the work and meet the daily deadlines.  So, last summer, we finally were able to get another city employee for the office.  That person handles all of the Water Payments & Billing, while I continue to handle the rest which includes all New Services, Ending Svcs, Wastewater (we are building our own low-pressure city sewer), City Business (ordinances, easements, streets, lights, etc) New Construction, All Permits (plumbing, building, demo, floodplain, mobile food business), City Park, Events & Rsvn’s, Census, Web, all Work Orders using MaintainX, procedures for Work Orders relating to inspections & installations and more.  So you see, there is alot.  We have 3 Field Operators over Water & 2 Field Operators over Wastewater.  They are also the Field Operators who are assigned certain jobs for the City.  They each use an iPad for MaintainX.  The Mayor wants all jobs to go through MaintainX.  The Mayor has his own iPad as well.  Because there are certain jobs that are assigned to the Mayor, like COO’s (Certificate of Occupancy).  The Mayor is able to monitor all the jobs going on, who is doing the work, and so on.  He pretty much gets the whole layout.  When people call 811 (Call before you dig), which is all the time and every day) and while 811 contracts a company to mark all utilities, we mark water & sewer, so each locate goes through MaintainX as well & with a procedure because legislature changed some laws this past year which requires all utilities to mark off a list they have on their portal.  MaintainX has become like a Bible to us.  If we didn’t have MaintainX, we would be using the old fashioned way of communicating with them through phone lines & text; sometimes not being able to reach them & vice versa, the Field Operators having to leave where they are at to come into the office for tasks and what is now obsolete forms & paperwork because EVERYTHING is on MaintainX, which makes a great reference tool.  Using MaintainX is so much more efficient in everyway, plus you have any answer you need right at your fingertips.  Setting up vendors to receive inspections or installation material via pdf format, is a timesaving tool as well.  One of our Field Operators was the one who introduced us to MaintainX who is no longer with us as he went on to bigger & better things for himself,  But, I, personally, am so thankful & grateful to him.  I think I would remember him even if I make it to age 99! lol!  I can not tell you folks how much MaintainX has improved everything that we do as far as paperless, accountability, reference for compliance and any other type issues, efficiency, cost savings in many areas and, of course, payroll hours!  It has become our major tool for scheduling & maintaining.  I can’t wait until we utilize assets next. There are many more things I could say and interesting things as well, but I believe this is way too long an introduction, but with my “detailed” background & history, it is sometimes difficult for me to cut myself off, but I do and I know how to make things short and sweet.  I will work on doing that next time.  My goal after introducing myself was to tell you how happy we are in using MaintainX in our business and all of our operations (most of our operations).  Thank you for letting me share such length.  Have a great & very blessed day! :)

Hello everyone! My name is Ginu Tomy, and I’m proudly serving as a Facility Manager at Buthailah W.L.L. in Qatar, a role I’ve embraced for over three years. In our journey towards digital transformation, we’ve integrated MaintainX into our operations since last year. This strategic move has significantly streamlined our processes, making our tasks not just easier, but more efficient and effective.

Professionally, I began my career in the realm of smart buildings and homes, which later evolved into a dedicated pursuit of facility management. My personal interests lie at the intersection of technology and comfort—designing state-of-the-art home theaters and smart homes is not just a job for me, it’s a passion. Currently, I’m venturing into the innovative world of Smart Building technology, with a particular focus on AI integration. The potential of AI to transform living spaces into intelligent environments is a concept that excites me greatly, and I’m eager to explore the endless possibilities it holds.

Feel free to connect with me to discuss smart technologies, AI, or if you share my enthusiasm for cars and cutting-edge home systems. Let’s drive innovation together!

Hi! My name is Syed A Ali 

I am a SME ( subject matter expert ) electrical power generation systems ( Fossil / nuclear )   

I have a strong background in Operation and Maintenance of power Generation systems. Have more than 25 years in Operation and maintenance of power generation and sea water desalination ( MSF = Multi-Stage Flash ) 

MaintainX is a wonderful discovery.

It would be safe to say that its a tool which could be used on the go.

Currently I am working as a maintenance support eng to a manufacturing facility maintenance  team.

I am utilizing it for PM work on different equipment.

My objective to increase its effectiveness and  efficiency in its usage by maintenance tech and to explore the possibility of adapting it for predictive maintenance 

Through its use on regular basis for break down maintenance in addition to PM., we now appreciate and understand  its potential for predictive maintenance.

Our objective is multifold as our maintenance team get  experience  in using MaintainX .

While we develop and improve our understanding of this CMMS ( MaintainX   

software ) we are also making effort through exchange of information with our account holder at MaintainX

to see if we could successfully collect digital data from our manufacturing CNC machines .

This data could then be used in meters section of the MaintainX to trigger off a work order .




Hello everyone in the MaintainX community. I am a newcomer into this community and only very new to using MaintainX CMMS platform. I am currently working in the Glass Processing industry in Sydney Australia as a maintenance coordinator residing from New Zealand. I have many years' experiences with operations, production and process improvement roles in the glass processing industry.  I have been impressed with the ease of use and implementation using MaintainX. Wishing you all a safe and successful day. Brent 

I am new to MaintainX, however I have been using CMMS for about 40 years. Interested to connect with manufacturing industry users.

Hello all. I am Jeremy Adler, the lone maintenance person at a small manufacturing facility in Jacksonville, FL. Coming from maintenance roles in the automotive manufacturing industry, my eyes were recently opened to the chaos that exists in smaller manufacturing facilities. 

My current company bought the enterprise version of MaintainX months before hiring me and did nothing to implement it. I am very impressed with the software and enjoy cataloging my company’s assets and procedures. It is an incredible benefit to have access to so much information in one place that the MaintainX platform can provide.

I enjoy spending time with my 11 grandsons and 1 granddaughter.

Just started in MaintainX,  I am the Director of Maintenance for Primetime Healthcare Compliance Service. I am looking forward to making this program generate needed reports for compliance to healthcare accreditations agencies.

David Fought 
